
The density of the human body and the overcoming of its limits through the emergence of a shared sense of experience is at the center of this performative work.

The performer’s body was placed inside of the geometric metal structure at the center of the Acquario Romano, under the weight of two ballistic gelatin blocks - a material that has the same density as the human body. The artist attempted to emerge from these architectonical elements by cutting out pieces from the gelatin, which created a clear indoor/outdoor juxtaposition in the exhibition space.

The relationship between these two environments was ensured by the transparency of the ballistic gelatin which allowed the viewer to see the fatigue in the performer’s body of the act of overcoming physical constraints. Yet the density of the gelatin distorted the artist's vision and perception inside the construction, a distortion that amplified the distance to the public.

Thus, from this agitated, indefinite and partially covered body, a new sense of the body emerged, aware and shared; a new body that became a bridge between the inside and the outside, between oneself and one selves.

The act of breaking the shelter, therefore, became a symbol of the 'effort' to transform the singular experience into memory, the memory of one's senses that tries to become a collective experience.




Duration: 40min


Alexandra Fongaro

Video documentation @Simone Passeri

Design : ultrapieno