
Outermost Region

Where a melancholy topography unfolds - of temporary and unstable identities - memories, places and non-places come together in a single story.

The three-fold piece consists of a death mask made of brass, which derives from an ultra-sound image of a female uterus. Its elevated surface plays with the perception of fictitious and real places whose borders nearly dissolve.

The second element to this piece is a video installation, which documents the anticipation of an abiding place, more concretely, the birth of an island. The artist occupies an underwater volcano with an obsidian disk. The horizontal movement of the observer as well as of the volcanic stone in its trajectory into the abyssal zone reduces the alleged complexity of the world to its absurd minimum. The two videos converge into an immersive experience through their repetitive yet staggered loops, and within this time it is erased successively bit by bit.

The third piece is a departure from the affinity to and a distanzing from origin. The artist opened a travertine block in the gallery space. The trace making inside the stone reflects on the violence of the impossibility of presence, leaving only the afterimage of an initial moment.

The title plays with the political dimension of the claim of ownership referring to the Outermost Region. Hereafter referred to in the singular, this work underlines the clear limits that prevent any form of appropriation of the human body.

Curatorial text

Nicoletta Provenzano

Curva Pura is pleased to present Anica Huck's solo exhibition, Outermost region, curated by Nicoletta Provenzano, an exhibition that sinks, beyond space and time, into the lands of the remote, cleaves and fractures stone sediments, plummets and delves into the confining space of an abyss, into unusual and enigmatic island realms, into peaks and craters of precious mappings, furrowing the interior of a deep female body region.

The artist between video, sculpture and performative action during the opening event, introduces and immerses the viewer in a sentimental stratigraphy of memories and intimate places, of backdrops unreachable yet traversed by minute forms of eruptive origin, ventral landscapes marked by absence, traces of a material separation in tension between resistance and friability, distance from a unity lost in irreparable fracture, tormented by vehement percussion.

In an erratic fluctuation between ultrasound transcriptions of nonexistence, in the brass sculptures, and the impossibility of an earthly emergence, in the video works, the marble presence, itself a trace and remnant that lingers from the completed artistic act, stands as a shattered body, as a transient reality bearing a parceled history detached from a whole to which it belonged.

Corporeality is reflected in the material, in the image, it becomes a territory dispersed in a presence-absence, an incondivisible and unbridgeable recess, a descent into the elusive void, along the restless vertigo of a limit, insurmountable, inappropriable. In the reference given by the title to a territory belonging to the European Union placed overseas and far from the continental limits, the ultraperipheral region in Anica Huck's artistic research stands as a bodily line of demarcation, spatial foundation and imaginal itinerary where the interior is mirrored in the exterior, exposed as a geographical expression, as an extreme, signifying, organic, identity and political place.

As in a speleological investigation along the concavities of a distant elsewhere, of non-places and impervious, arcane and mysterious entities, the inside and the outside of a property boundary between body, geopolitics, matter and form find themselves ambiguously exchangeable, intrinsic.

Defined by the artist as "the unfolding of a melancholic topography," the exhibition Outermost region breaks into an absolute frontier, transits poised along a suspenseful threshold, delineates margins and perimeters battered, isolated, contested by the contours of light and shadow, marks fractures and ripples articulated in the depths of bodies and matter placed in relations of proximity and distance, limitation and coincidence, united in a metaphorical, essential, alchemical and primordial bond.


Curva Pura è lieta di presentare la personale di Anica Huck, Outermost region, a cura di Nicoletta Provenzano, una esposizione che affonda, al di là dello spazio e del tempo, nelle terre del remoto, fende e fraziona sedimenti lapidei, scandaglia e si addentra nello spazio confinario di un abisso, in insoliti ed enigmatici regni insulari, in picchi e crateri di preziose mappature, solcanti l’interno di una profonda regione corporea femminile.

L’artista tra video, scultura ed azione performativa durante l’evento inaugurale, introduce e immerge il fruitore in una stratigrafia sentimentale di memorie e luoghi intimi, di fondali irraggiungibili eppure percorsi da forme minute di origine eruttiva, paesaggi ventrali segnati dalla mancanza, tracce di una separazione materica in tensione tra resistenza e friabilità, distanza da un’unità perduta nella frattura irreparabile, tormentata da veementi percussioni.

In un erratico fluttuare tra trascrizioni ecografiche della non esistenza, nelle sculture di ottone, e impossibilità di una emersione terrestre, nelle opere video, la presenza marmorea, in sé traccia e resto che permane dall’atto artistico compiuto, si pone come corpo infranto, come realtà transitoria portatrice di una storia parcellizzata e distaccata da un tutto a cui apparteneva.

La corporeità si riflette nella materia, nell’immagine, si fa territorio disperso in una presenza-assenza, recesso incondivisibile e incolmabile, discesa nel vuoto inafferrabile, lungo la vertigine inquieta di un limite, invalicabile, inappropriabile.

Nel rimando dato dal titolo ad un territorio appartenete all’Unione Europea collocato oltremare e lontano dai limiti continentali, la regione ultraperiferica nella ricerca artistica di Anica Huck si pone come linea di demarcazione corporale, fondamento spaziale e itinerario immaginale dove l’interno si rispecchia nell’esteriorità, si espone come espressione geografica, come luogo estremo, significante, organico, identitario e politico.

Come in una indagine speleologica lungo le concavità di un lontano altrove, di non-luoghi ed entità impervie, arcane e misteriose, il dentro e il fuori di un confine di proprietà tra corpo, geopolitica, materia e forma si ritrovano ambiguamente scambievoli, intrinseci.

Definita dall’artista come “il dispiegarsi di una topografia malinconica” la mostra Outermost region irrompe in una frontiera assoluta, transita in bilico lungo una soglia sospensiva, delinea margini e perimetri malcerti, isolati, contesi dai contorni di luce e d’ombra, segna fratture e increspature articolate nelle profondità di corpi e materie poste in relazione di prossimità e distanza, limitazione e coincidenza, unite in un legame metaforico, essenziale, alchemico e primordiale.




Two videos

Dimensions variable


Two brass sculptures

25 cm x 17 cm x 100 cm


Duration: 7 min

Photo @Giorgio Benni

Design : ultrapieno